Week 2
Complete the following addition and subtraction problems in your book. Show your working out.

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Complete the following questions in your book.

KenKen Challenge:
Collect points for each new KenKen puzzle you complete. Look below for the scoring system. The top three will need to show Thomas proof by capturing a screenshot and saving in a folder on your computer.

Week 1
Use the following resources to help improve your multiplication skills.
3. MathMan - When you begin, click multiplication
4. Hit The Button - This is a good one for those just looking to improve your speed when completing times tables
Week 2:
Use your efficient mental strategies to quickly solve all of the following problems.

WEEK 3 - Worded problems
Using your mental and written strategies, solve the following multiplication problems. You may need to write your thinking on paper, but try to avoid using algorithms – we will be working on these next week!
1. Buddy went shoe shopping. He couldn’t stop himself and ended up getting 11 pairs of shoes. Each pair cost $13. How much did he spend in total?
2. Vira eats 5 yummy biscuits a day for 134 days in a row. How many does she eats in total?
3. Natalie needs to buy some more whiteboard markers because Nini and Asra keep using the ones we have. She wants to buy 38 boxes. Each box contains 9 markers. How many will we have?
4. Zak ran 7.8km a day for 10 days. How far did he run in total?
5. Elijah was really bored one day. He decided to draw a square. Each side was 234cm long. What is the total perimeter?
6. Lara’s hair grows 23mm a month. How long will her hair grow in 8 months?
7. Mehul is saving up for a cricket bat. The bat costs $343. He saves $36.40 a month for 9 months. Has he saved enough? If not how much more does ne need?\
*If you finish early, you can continue on with one of the 4 multiplication games listed below.
Multiplication - The Split Strategy
Tuesday - For each question you need to show: The Diagram (keep it small!), your addition working, your answer and if you know how, check with a multiplication algorithm.
1. 7 x 17
2. 6 x 19
3. 8 x 21
4. 9 x 19
5. 9 x 23
6. 7 x 31
7. 8 x 33
8. 9 x 41
9. 13 x 18
10. 14 x 36
Pick 3 problems to do from each line. Make sure you get it checked off by Thomas after you do each three.
You will be expected to show:
- A diagram showing your split
- Each multiplication solve for your split
- An addition (or subtraction) to complete the problem
7x17= 8x15= 9x14= 8x19= 9x18= 7x14= 6x19= 7x18= 8x16= 9x19=
9x21= 8x23= 7x22= 8x32= 9x27= 8x34= 8x31= 7x42= 6x43= 9x57=
Line 3 (these will require multiple splits)
16x21= 18x19= 23x26= 21x36= 30x28= 29x41= 42x24= 51x58=
LINE 1 - Complete these with a split strategy diagram, algorithm and when you are finished all, check with a calculator.
1) 31 x 41 = 2) 45 x 34 = 3) 72 x 92 = 4) 92 x 79 = 5) 97x67 =
LINE 2 - Complete these with an algorithm and when you are finished, check with a calculator.
1) 156 x 43 2) 75 x 134 = 3) 84 x 472 = 4) 942 x 79 = 5) 47x677 =
LINE 3 - Complete these with an algorithm and when you are finished, check with a calculator.
1) 153 x 196 = 2) 524 x 358 = 3) 28 x 297.4 4) 431x451.1
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Week 7 Revision:
Complete the following problems showing: Split strategy, algorithm and expanded form.
19 x 9
28 x 8
31 x 35
37 x 134
873 x 289
Once you finish, continue on with your problems listed below.
Week 8 - The team challenge
During the team challenge, remember that each member must complete their own list. If someone finishes, they can HELP with strategies.
*Don't forget - When doing division, think multiplication!
Member 3
24 ÷ 6 =
49 ÷ 7 =
80 ÷ 10 =
108 ÷ 9 =
37 ÷ 6 =
81 ÷ 4 =
161 ÷ 7 =
216 ÷ 6 =
310 ÷ 10 =
147 ÷ 8 =
356 ÷ 7 =
Member 2
12 ÷ 4 =
36 ÷ 6 =
42 ÷ 6 =
66 ÷ 11 =
72 ÷ 12 =
92 ÷ 10 =
147 ÷ 7 =
232 ÷ 8 =
175 ÷ 6 =
211 ÷ 9 =
297 ÷ 7 =
Member 2
18 ÷ 3 =
27 ÷ 9 =
32 ÷ 4 =
50 ÷ 5 =
96 ÷ 12 =
50 ÷ 7 =
148 ÷ 12 =
256 ÷ 64 =
177 ÷ 10 =
241 ÷ 6 =
321 ÷ 7 =
Member 4
48÷ 6 =
64 ÷ 8 =
88 ÷ 8 =
150 ÷ 30 =
196 ÷ 5 =
183 ÷ 12 =
278 ÷ 6 =
399 ÷ 5 =
566 ÷ 18 =
667 ÷ 60 =
1320 ÷ 16 =
Group 2: In the hour you should aim to complete all of the three activities below.
The first section has a reminder of what we worked on yesterday.

Magic Squares
1: Create as many 4 different magic squares using the numbers 3, 1, and 5
2: Create a Magic Square using all of the numbers 3, 7, 11. The sum is 21
3: Create 4 magic squares with the numbers 222,555, 888 and record the sums of each
4: Create 4 magic squares with the numbers – 2, 10, 4 and record the sums of each
5: Make a magic square where the sum is 27. Can you use 3 different numbers? Can you use 9 different numbers?
6: Can you make up a magic square using each of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 only once?
Fraction Magic Squares
7: Can you create a magic square where the sum is 1 ½?
8: Create as many Magic Squares you can using the numbers 7/6, 4/3, and 3/2.
9 Can you make up a magic square using any of the fractions 1/12, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, 5/12, 1/2, and 7/12, with 1/6, 1/3 and 1/2, in that order, down the main diagonal?
Order of Operations
List 1
List 2
List 3