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* Word and meaning match
*Order paragraphs
*Reading and comprehension, 5 questions

The Parts of the Brain
Long term memory
Short term memory
Week 7 Grammar: Nouns
What are common and proper nouns? Find out by clicking on the links below.
Common Nouns
Proper Nouns
After listening to the lesson:
1. Write an explanation for common and proper nouns.
2. Write a list of common and proper nouns in your excerise book.
Week 6 Grammar: Apostrophes
1. Apostrophes are used when two words are joined together and some letters are left out.
For example can not = can't, could not couldn't
2. Apostrophes are also used to show ownership
For example Aliah's pencilcase is blue and pink.

Guided Reading Activities and Groups
Boiled Fish and How to write a horror story Swamps, Marshes and Splish, Splas Splosh
Banana Pudding Other Wetlands
Mete, Liam Lara Mohammad
Amir, Hamza Elham Ahmed
Aiden, Aisha Ali Arwa
Buddy, Vira Niang Mark
Adam Aliah Tu Thant
Saja Abi
Ibrahim Paola
Words and meaning match
Comprehension activity
Story summary in own words
Grammar activities
Week 8
Chook Chook Born to Run The Cabbage Patch Fib Boyz Rules GoneFishing
Mete, Liam Mark Mohammad
Amir, Naing Elham Ahmed
Hamza Aisha Tu Thant Arwa
Buddy, Vira Ibrahim Abi
Saja Ali H Adam S Paola
Lara Aiden Aliah Caitleen
1. Read chapters 1 and 2
2. Write a summary
3. List all the characters in the story so far and choose 4 words to describe them. Grammar Week 8
Singular and Plural Nouns
Click on the link to play
Week 11 Activities
1. Language Conventions - Word Confusion
2. Grammar Singular and Plural
3. Finding Word in with words. Expand Vocabularly
Click on the link
4. Word Knowledge
Click this link
5. Grammar
Click on this link
Term 3: Reading Activities: Geography Focus
Website: National Geographics for kids
Choose a country to research and summarise.
1. Map of counrty, including rivers, mountains, surrounding countries, seas or oceans if applicable.
2. 10 Quick Facts from website
3. Name the continent that the country is located in.
4. Describe the landscape of the country.
5. Any extra facts which are interesting.
Over the next 4 weeks you will learn about at least one country from each of the 7 continents.
Possible Countries:
Brazil, Peru, China, Mexico, Kenya, Germany, Fraser Island, India and the Artic

Term 3 Week 5 to 8
Over the next 3 weeks you will research a variety of countries, athletes, and sports of your choice.
1. Choose a country from each of the 7 continents and follow them over the next few weeks, keeping a record of any medals they obtain over the weeks. You may like to use a timetable similar to the one below.
Week 5
Country Medals
2. Continent
3. Continent
4. Continent
5. Continent
6. Continent
2. Choose a sport to research.
Write a short summary about the sport including when the sport was included in the olympics and how many athletes are competing this year.
3. Choose an athlete to follow over the next few weeks.
Write a short biography about the athlete.
Click on the link below to help with the research.
Rio Olympics

Term 4 Literacy Expectations
1. Diary/Blog entry - 300 to 400 words
2. 9 letter word puzzle - set a weekly challenge and aim to beat it each week,
3. Quote analyse
4. Set tasks for literacy
Term Topics:
Week 1 to 4: Poetry
Week 5 to 9: Biographies
Week 10 to 11: Autobiography
Weekly Breakdown
Week 1: Immersion and investigation of types of poetry in pairs.
Planning which poems will be written and how each will be presented.
Weeks 2 to 4: Write at least 5 different poem styles.
Week 1 and 2:
1. Discussion Questions
What is the purpose of a poem?
How do you read a poem?
Why do poems look different from other kinds of writing?
What kinds of poems are there?
Where do poets get their words and inspiration from?
How do poets choose their words?
What are poems about?
Do poems have special meaning?
Why do you think some authors choose to write poems instead of novels or short stories?
2. Poetry Investigation: create a criteria
3. Record answers to above questions in books
4. Begin creating poems, some simple but at least 2 to be made into a movie or podcast.
Tuesday 11th October
1. Complete weekly tasks: diary, 9 letter word
and quote analysis
2. Spelling Test
3. In pairs write a Haiku poem and another
version of Mary Had a Little Lamb
Examples of Poems online:
All Types of poems to read, enjoy and analyse
World Issues
The Chimney Sweep by William Blake
Child Labour
One Subject Poetry/Animal Poetry
The Tiger by William Blake
Famous Australian Poems
I Love a Sunburnt Country by Dorothea McKellar
The Man from Snowy River by Banjo Patterson
Clancy of the Overflow by Banjo Patterson
Songs or Poems
I am Australian by the Seekers
The Fox by Ylvis
Week 3
Spelling Words
Grade 5
committee, equivalent, systematic, scientist, privately, taught, attendance, interesting, internet, telephone, telecast, transfer, customer, dentist
Grade 6
characterisation, fluorescent, spontaneous, intellectual, temporary, criticism, courteous, anticipate, restaurant, disconcerted, satisfactory, curiosity, incidental, relevant, existence
Challenge Words
technicality, tuberculosis, denominator, deteriorate, hippopotamus
1. learn words
2. find the meaning of 5 words you don't know and write meaningful sentences.
Choose a poem and answer the following questions.

Week 4 Spelling
Grade 5
applause, applaud, audience, autograph, laundry, wardrobe, fortune, sword, ought, taught, thoughtful, course, force, quarter, awful
Grade 6
extraordinary, tourniquet, authentic, automatic, precaution, mournful, plausible, porcelain, mortgage, accordingly, orchestra, exhausted, alternate, tortoise, source
Challenge Words
aforementioned, afore, bicoloured, bioreactor,broaden
Week 9 Spelling z, zz, s and se sounds
Grade 5
freeze, dazzling, excuse, cause, adviser, disease, position, anxiety, scissors, desirable, organise, apologise, exercise, sausages, applause
Grade 6
citizen, resident, hazardous, magazine, zealous, uncivilised, advertising, compromise, emphasise, familiarise, criticism, exaggerate, executive, requisition, auxiliary
Challenge Words
abysmal, bizarre, trapezium, lackadaisical, plagarism
Poetry Rubric
Give yourself a score for your poem. Mark it out of 20.
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