What was Torobo designed to test?
What university has Torobo been aspiring to be admitted to since 2013?
How did the robotic arm perform in the latest mock exam?
At what subjects did it excel?
Why does Torobo have such a hard time with the English tests?
What conclusion did Noriko Arai reach after this year's test results?
Where will Torobo's skills be most useful?
Where does the thorny devil lizard live?
What are some of the lizard's other names?
Why did researchers first investigate the lizard's water drinking mechanism?
What did they discover?
What did Philip Withers suggest in 1993?
What experiment did Withers and Comanns conduct recently?
According to the researchers, why do the thorny devils often bury themselves in the sand?
How did they test this theory?
Answer the following questions about the story
What is different about the shoes created by Motohiro Okai?
In What size and colors are the shoes available?
How much do the shoes cost?
Why do chocolate manufacturers go all out on Valentine's Day?
Why did Okai not create a pair of women's shoes?
What happens on "White Day?"
Answer the following questions about the story
Where will Fidel be laid to rest?
What do supporters think about Fidel?
What issues do critics have with Fidel?
What did Fidel promise to do for the Cubans if he came to power?
Did he keep his word?
How has Fidel helped the poor in Cuba?
Why do many African countries consider Fidel a hero?
Who was named President after Fidel retired in 2006?
In what ways have things between Cuba and the US improved since the new President came to power?
What record did Peggy Whitson break when she arrived at the ISS on November 19?
Who accompanied Whitson to the ISS on the latest mission?
List two other records that Whitson currently holds.
What new record will she break when she returns to Earth in May 2017?
What will Whitson be doing during her six months in space?
Why does Peggy Whitson believe that her senior age and previous experience will help during this mission?
Who holds the title for the oldest astronaut in space?
Why are ants fascinating?
Where was the most recent colony of wood ants discovered?
What was the original purpose of the bunker?
How did the wood ants manage to get into the bunker?
What makes the researchers think that the ants in the bunker die at a faster rate than those living above ground?
Why did the researchers disturb part of the ant mound in 2015?
What happened when they returned in January 2016?
What helps keep the ant population in the bunker constant?
What happens to the ants that die in the bunker?
Why are the ants never able to return home once they fall in the bunker?