​Five Six

Learning Space​
Natalie's Number Group
Term 4
You all recieved Studyladder logins on Thursday the 16th of July, and you all have Mathletics logins. PLEASE try to complete at least 10 minutes of online maths learning every night. It will help with your general maths skills and consolidate the learning you are doing at school.
Just think, 10m x 5n = 50m/w (10 minutes x 5 nights = 50 minutes of extra maths per week!)

Week 6 Algebra Problem Solving

Week 4 Order of Operations Game
Working Groups
The Xs
Ahmed S
Adam Z
The Ys

The Zs
Ahmed Y
The Brackets
Ahmad E
Natalie's Number Group
Term 3
Week 5 Activities
Activity 1
Fractions memory - online game. Record how long it takes each person in your group. Only record your best time. We will have a class competition to see who is the quickest!
Activity 2
Decimats game - using equipment provided in class. Bring your knowledge of decimals, fractions, addition and multiplication.
Activity 3
Percentages workshop - with Natalie.
Activity 4
Battleship Numberline - online tutorial and game. After you watch the 2 videos that are part of the tutorial you may have a go at the game. The tutorials will help you with the game so it's a good idea to do them first!
At the end of the lesson you must have 2 things you learnt and 1 challenge written in your maths book.
Activity 1
Percentages - after our tutorial in Week 5 this activity will test your knowledge of percentages and help you to put your new skills of working with percentages into practice.
Activity 2
Adding and subtracting fractions - clinic with Natalie.
Activity 3
Fractions and decimals on a number line - use the cards provided to order the fractions and decimals on a number line. Take a picture with the iPads to show to Natalie at the end of the lesson.
Activity 4
Connecting decimals, fractions and percentages - cut the sheet up and paste it in your books with the correct decimal, fraction and percentage grouped together OR colour the three matching numbers the same colour.
At the end of the lesson you will have to share a personal success and a personal challenge with a classmate. So make sure you are thinking about your learning through the lesson.
Week 7 Thursday Activities
Week 7 Friday Activities
Activity 1
Studyladder - 8 addition and subtraction of fractions activities.
Activity 2
Adding and subtracting decimals - clinic with Natalie.