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​Five Six
Learning Space​
Passion Project
Choose a topic that you know nothing
(or very, very little!) about…
You will need to negotiate with a teacher as to
whether it is suitable and topics will be allocated
on a first-in-best-dressed basis.
For example, if seven people want to do a project on
coffee growing in sub-Saharan Africa,
then the first person to complete their KWL
and get it signed off by a teacher does it
and everyone else has to choose a new topic.
Before you conference with a teacher, you are going to
write down everything you already know (K),
everything you want to find out (W)
(remember this will change as you don’t know much about your topic yet!) and you are going to talk to a friend to share your thoughts.
You are also going to think about how you want to present your project to show your learning.(L)
The choice is yours, but we don’t want
boring posters or keynotes.
We would like something interesting –
prezis, websites, movies, dioramas,
or something completely different
that we haven't seen before...
Then you are going to have a
negotiation conference with a teacher.
You will need to show a completed KWL –
What do you already know? (K)
What do you want to find out about? (W)
And how are you going to present your learning? (L)
You then will need to negotiate and convince us that
this is a topic that you don’t know much about
and that you will present it in an interesting way…
You will have five hours in class to work on this.
If you need more time, you will need to work on it at home.
Final presentations will be next
Wednesday, the 25th of November.
No excuses…
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