​Five Six

Learning Space​
Natalie's Term 4 Writing Group
Short stories!
Click the links below and read the two short stories.
Think about these things while you are reading:
how does the author create a concise story line?
can you identify all the elements of a good story eg; orientation that sets the scene, problem/s, the action or events after the problem and the resolution or solution?
who is the intended audience?
Natalie's Term 3 Writing Group
...read and take notes on the key features of these texts...
2. Why do we need more native plants in our cities?
3. How to attract birds to your garden
4. Why does Australia have different environments and climates
5. Deserts
6. How ants find their way
...which we did and we produced this...

...to help us with writing explanation texts! thanks Aqila!!!
Below are the common themes that kept popping up in all the texts we read and on your sticky notes when I read them...
Language and Vocabulary
Tense and Word Level Grammar
The title can be a question; Why do we need more native plants in our cities?
Paragraphs that have different facts in an order
Step by step sequence
Can have sub headings but not always
Conclusion is a summary or personal comment
Pictures that add to the text
Maps with a key to help you understand
Labelled diagrams
Simple layout on website, writing or flow chart
Could be video form explaining the cause and effect
Technical words
Subject specific vocabulary used
Describes how things happen
No speech
Factual language
Descriptions creating text easy to understand
Details on a subject
Statements describe something with a cause and effect structure; The tectonic plates collide therefore at the earth’s surface there are earth quakes
General and specific language
There can be questions
Present tense generally used
Simple and complex sentences
Phrases that signal a sequence of events;
at the same time, after a while, not long before
Action verbs are used
Verbs are in the present tense; explodes, builds, pushes, is folded, being tossed
Conjunctions; whereas, since, whether, however, since, yet, because