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Websites about Convicts, Colonies & Coin!


Treasure Explorer - a great website with loads and loads of information about convicts, colonies and coin!


FUSE Colonial Development Resources - a great collection of original paintings (primary sources) all about the colonies.


Skwirk – some information about convicts, free settlers and kids in the 1800s


Kidscyber – some good information about the creation of Australia’s capital cities in the colonies – includes some good timelines.


Kids Net - an online encyclopedia with some great information about Australian history.


About Australia - an Australian government website with some great information. Especially useful if you click on 'History - colonial, conflict and modern' and then on 'more stories', with lots of info about famous Australians.


The Gold Rush- this wiki has some fantastic reading about the different aspects of the gold rush, including: women and children, the eureka stockade, mining techniques and living conditions.


My Place for Kids â€“ explore some of the houses from the 1800s. There are hidden items in some scenes, so make sure you click on them for more information!



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