Five Six

Learning Space
Term 4
Book Clubs
"Never judge a book by it's movie"
- J.W Egan

Term 4.. We're nearly there!
For some of you this will be the last book you read in primary school.
Unfortunately the choices didn't all work out but that's life I'm afraid.
The jobs are staying the same but the way we do them will be a little bit different.
Remember Book Clubs is now on a Monday at 10am so that is when any work will be due.
Let's enjoy our reading and our last term together!
Nat :)

The Language Legend will need to find really great examples of language such as good descriptions or excellent sentences that create wonderful pictures in your head. Look for amazing metaphors or similes or just language that makes you smile… Make sure when you write the language in your book you put a page number as a reference and state why you picked this particular language and how it makes you feel.

The Vocab Master is in charge of finding out the meaning of unusual or interesting words that they (or others) might not know the meaning of. They will then need to look up the definitions in a dictionary and write this in their book…
The Illustrator will be required to draw a detailed picture of their favourite scene from this part of the book. It should be a full page, contain lots of detail and be bright and colourful… You also need a sentence or two justifying why you drew this particular picture.
The Director needs to complete a short summary focusing on what happened, how you felt while reading it and what you think will happen next.
This should be about one page long and completed in your Bookworms book.
The Curious Questioner needs to come up with at least three interesting questions to get the others to share their opinions and what they think about what they have read.
Try and come up with some interesting questions - not just "did you like the book?"
The Character Critiquer will be required to track the changes of the main character as the story progresses. This will include a labeled diagram of the character and also a short paragraph of the events that are shaping this character.
THe books

Fish Notes and
Star Songs
Reading for Week 2
Page 1 - 34
Reading for Week 3
Page 35 - 72
Reading for Week 4
Page 73 - 93
Reading for Week 6
Page 94 - 134
Reading for Week 7
Page 134 - 165
Reading for Week 8
Page 166 - 199

Paper Planes
Reading for Week 2
Page 1 - 45
Reading for Week 3
Page 47 - 72
Reading for Week 4
Page 73 - 106
Reading for Week 6
Page 107 - 135
Reading for Week 7
Page 137 - 168
Reading for Week 8
Page 170 - 197

Benny & Omar
Reading for Week 2
Page 6 - 37
Reading for Week 3
Page 38 - 84
Reading for Week 4
Page 85 - 121
Reading for Week 6
Page 122 - 156
Reading for Week 7
Page 157 - 205
Reading for Week 8
Page 206 - 237
Week 2 Jobs
EVERYONE in the group is the illustrator and you need to draw a picture of the SETTING.
You need to write a short paragraph (including references from the book) about how the author painted this particular picture in your head.
EVERYONE in the group also needs to write a summary of what happens in the first chapters that you read.
Week 3 Jobs
EVERYONE in the group is the character critiquer. You need to draw a picture of what the character looks like, and include labels. Include some personality traits and characteristics you have picked up on so far in your two weeks of reading.
Character descriptions
Read through the four character descriptions. Draw a picture of what you think each one looks like from what you have read. Include labels and any personality traits or characteristics you pick up from the text.
Week 4 Jobs
Everyone to complete Language Legend and Summarizer.
I need 5 examples of great language and a one page summary.
See you then.
Week 6 Jobs
This weeks job is to put on your Curious Questioner hat.
You need to come up with 5 questions about what you have read so far.
Language examples
Read through the language examples I have taken from your short stories you wrote a couple of weeks ago. Pick your top three and explain why on the padlet.
Week 7 Jobs
Time to give me a vocab master-class. Hopefully you have been noticing some awesome vocabulary throughout reading your books. It's everyone's job to find 5-8 interesting or challenging words to find the meaning of and discuss with your groups.
Week 8 Jobs
Benny and Omar
Fish Notes and Star Songs
Everyone to complete Summarizer and Illustrator. I REALLY want a GOOD QUALITY drawing of your favourite event in the book. PLEASE PUT SOME EFFORT IN! Even if it's a gray led sketch. So long as I can see you have put in some EFFORT!
One page summary at least, with a final comment about the book and if it related to your prediction.
Paper Planes
Answer the following questions:
1. Why do you think the author included the information at the back of the book?
2. What do you think the message of the story is? Back this up with evidence!
3. How closely linked are the movie and the book?
And be an ILLUSTRATOR one last time :)
SEE the bottom of this web page for your options. Unfortunately you can't do what you did last term. You must select a different option. If you have an idea of something different as well I am more than happy to discuss this with you.

Term 3
Book Clubs
"The more that you read,
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go."
- Dr Seuss
Fish Notes and Star Songs


Black Snake

Ice Breaker

Week 2 And 3
Week 2 jobs
Joya - Director
Zi - Illustrator
Mutiara - Character Critiquer
Samia - Vocab Master
Jamilah - Curious Questioner
Natalie - Language Legend
Week 2 jobs
Arjun - Director
Samuel - Illustrator
Aqila - Character Critiquer
Iman - Vocab Master
Nova - Curious Questioner
Emina - Language Legend
Week 2 jobs
Jack - Director
Daniyal - Illustrator
Lola - Character Critiquer
Nini - Vocab Master
Sarah - Curious Questioner
Kay - Language Legend
Week 2 jobs
Raheeq - Director
Liam - Illustrator
Najma - Character Critiquer
Yusuf - Vocab Master
Mia - Curious Questioner
Emilia - Language Legend
For week 3 please read 4 chapters: Vanessa, The Visit, The thoughts of Rebecca, The thoughts of the Boy in the Cave
Week 3 jobs
Zi - Director
Zi - Illustrator
Jamilah - Character Critiquer
Jamilah - Vocab Master
Joya - Curious Questioner
Joya - Language Legend
For week 3 please read: The bicycle and the sweet shop, The great mouse plot, Mr Coombes and Mrs Prachett's Revenge
Week 3 jobs
Emina - Director
Emina - Illustrator
Arjun - Character Critiquer
Samuel - Vocab Master
Iman - Curious Questioner
Aqila - Language Legend
For week 3 please read:
Horse business and One stray bullet
Week 3 jobs
Nini - Director
Nini - Illustrator
Jack - Character Critiquer
Lola - Vocab Master
Daniyal - Curious Questioner
Sarah - Language Legend
For week 3 please read 4 chapters: A stranger on the ship, As harmless as a seal pup, Secrets and Lies
Week 3 jobs
Najma - Director
Najma - Illustrator
Raheeq - Character Critiquer
Liam - Vocab Master
Yusuf - Curious Questioner
Mia - Language Legend
Week 3 Lesson with Hayden
There will be 3 activities for you to complete along with your book clubs discussion. Hayden will have a 20-30minute timer happening so that you get the same amount of time at each station.
1. Book Clubs discussion.
One group will go at a time.
2. Activity about great language in texts.
Hayden will have the extracts and organizers you will use. Please stick the organizers in your literacy books.
3. Spelling bee challenge.
Start on Level 5 then have a go at 6-8.
4. Rocket writing!
The sentence starter is: "There it was, staring at me. Huge, ugly and giving me shivers all over."
Please write in your literacy books. Can't wait to read them!
Week 4 And 5
For week 4 please read: Escape, The Fishing Shift, Murder!, That Is Not My Name and Fever
Week 4 jobs
Yusuf - Director
Yusuf - Illustrator
Liam - Character Critiquer
Mia - Vocab Master
Raheeq - Curious Questioner
Najma - Language Legend
For week 5 please read: The Funeral, His Treacherous Memory, Your Da Was A Traitor, and Some May Call Us Cruel
Week 5 jobs
Emilia - Director
Mia - Illustrator
Yusuf - Character Critiquer
Najma - Vocab Master
Liam - Curious Questioner
Raheeq - Language Legend
For week 4 please read: Enemies of Society and Blunders, Fools and Cowards
Week 4 jobs
Lola - Director
Lola - Illustrator
Nini - Character Critiquer
Sarah - Vocab Master
Jack - Curious Questioner
Daniyal - Language Legend
For week 5 please read: A Perfect Plan, and The Kelly Gang Strikes Again
Week 5 jobs
Kay - Director
Nini - Illustrator
Sarah - Character Critiquer
Daniyal - Vocab Master
Lola - Curious Questioner
Jack - Language Legend
For week 4 please read: Vanessa, The thoughts of the boy from the Forest, Barter, The House in the Dunes, The Cave
Week 4 jobs
Jamilah - Director
Jamilah - Illustrator
Joya - Character Critiquer
Joya - Vocab Master
Zi - Curious Questioner
Zi - Language Legend
For week 5 please read: Vanessa, The Thoughts of the Boy Who Does Not Speak, Greenfire, The Journey and People of the Plain
Week 5 jobs
Samia - Director
Samia - Illustrator
Zi - Character Critiquer
Mutiara - Vocab Master
Joya - Curious Questioner
Jamilah - Language Legend
For week 4 please read: Going to Norway, The magic island, A visit to the doctor
Week 4 jobs
Samuel - Director
Samuel - Illustrator
Emina - Character Critiquer
Arjun - Vocab Master
Aqila - Curious Questioner
Iman - Language Legend
For week 5 please read: First day, Writing home, The matron, Homesickness, A drive in a motorcar
Week 5 jobs
Nova - Director
Iman - Illustrator
Samuel- Character Critiquer
Aqila - Vocab Master
Emina - Curious Questioner
Arjun- Language Legend
Week 6 And 7
For week 6 please read up to Spirit of the Desert (pp 165)
Week 6 jobs
Mutiara - Director
Mutiara - Illustrator
Samia - Character Critiquer
Zi - Vocab Master
Jamilah - Curious Questioner
Joya - Language Legend
Week 7 you will start your "book reports"
For week 6 please read: up to The Headmaster (pp 144)
Week 6 jobs
Aqila - Director
Arjun - Illustrator
Iman - Character Critiquer
Emina - Vocab Master
Samuel - Curious Questioner
Nova- Language Legend
Week 7 you will start your "book reports"
For week 6 please finish the book!!
Week 6 jobs
Daniyal - Director
Sarah - Illustrator
Kay - Character Critiquer
Jack - Vocab Master
Nini - Curious Questioner
Lola- Language Legend
Week 7 you will start your "book reports"
For week 6 please read: read up to Ice Bound (pp 220)
Week 6 jobs
Liam - Director
Raheeq - Illustrator
Mia - Character Critiquer
Emilia - Vocab Master
Najma - Curious Questioner
Yusuf - Language Legend
Week 7 you will start your "book reports"
Book Reports
This term you can choose what kind of book report you complete. The emphasis is on being CREATIVE and producing a QUALITY repsonse to the book you have read. Your options are below.
You can review the book. This will include your prediction from before you read the book, a summary of the story, what you liked about it, anything you didn't like or would change, and a rating out of five stars and why. This activity is to be complete individually and will be presented to the group in week 10.
You can do a traditional book report. This will include a summary of the story, a list of the characters and a description of the main character, a description of the setting and a drawing or map of it, any interesting vocabulary and what the words mean, information about the author and a rating and why. This activity is to be complete individually and will be presented to the group in week 10.
You can recreate a chapter of the book as a play. You will need to write a script, consider the background and props, and how you will set the scene for your chose chapter. You will need to work in a group for this activity and you will perform your play in front of the group in week 10.
You can perform “hot-seating.” You choose a character to dress up as and perform as while others ask the character interesting and challenging questions. You will need to work in a group for this activity to decide who will become the character and help each other to create the questions. The hot-seating will be performed in front of the group in week 10.
You can recreate a chapter of the book as a movie. You will need to write a script, consider if you will need a narrator, if you will use costumes and where you will film your movie. You can work in a group or alone for this activity and will show your movie to the group in week 10.
You can create a song about your book. You can retell the story in a song or pick a character or event to write your song about. You can work in a group or alone for this activity and will perform your song (live or recorded) in week 10.
You can rewrite a chapter from the book from another characters point of view or change an event that would alter the course of the story. This activity will need to be completed individually and you will read your new chapter to the group in week 10.
You can create a newspaper article about an event in the book. You will need quotes from the characters, good background information to set the scene and some quality pictures or diagrams. This activity will need to be competed individually and you will present your article to the group in week 10.
You can create a news report about an event in the book. You will need a news reporter who sets the scene, someone to play the characters and some witnesses of the event. This activity will need to be completed as a group and will be performed to the group (live or recorded) in week 10.
Obviously if you wish to complete a group activity, it will need to be done with a group of people who have read the same book as you. Some negotiation may need to happen when deciding which report you will do, and what roles you take if working in a group. Good luck and I look forward to seeing some fantastic book reports.
Nat :)