​Five Six

Learning Space​
The Golden Rules of the Bookworms Book Club
The first rule of Bookworms is,
enjoy your reading!
The second rule is that everyone has the right to
share their thoughts and to
be treated with respect by everyone else.
No one’s ideas are too silly…
The third rule is that is the responsibility of each person to read
the required number of pages each week.
You mustn’t read further chapters in
case you give away what happens for everyone
else during discussions.
This means that you are a spoiler and that is certainly not good…
You will also need to write
- a short summary focusing on what happened.
- how you felt while reading it.
- what you think will happen next.
This should be about one page long and completed in your Bookworms book.
There are also six extra jobs and everyone will have a chance to have
a go at most of the different roles.
It is your responsibility to make sure that you complete these
extra duties before the Book Club session on Tuesday and come
ready to share your thoughts and ideas.
This will also need to be completed in your Bookworms book.
The Curious Questioner needs to come up with at least three interesting questions to get the others to share their opinions and what they think about what they have read.
Try and come up with some interesting questions - not just "did you like the book?"
The Language Legend will need to find really great examples of language such as good descriptions or excellent sentences that create wonderful pictures in your head. Look for amazing metaphors or similes or just language that makes you smile…
The Vocab Master is in charge of finding out the meaning of unusual or interesting words that they (or others) might not know the meaning of. They will then need to look up the definitions in a dictionary and write this in their book…
The Puzzle Master needs to create a wordsearch or other interesrting type of puzzle for the rest of the group to complete. It needs to include at least ten words from the book. These could include the characters' names, the settings or other words that relate to the book. This will need to be given to me on Monday, so I can photocopy them for your group...
The Illustrator will be required to draw a bright and entertaining picture of their favourite scene from this part of the book. It should be a full page, contain lots of detail and be bright and colourful…
Remember to enjoy your reading and come to each meeting full of enthusiasm and excitement to discuss your book!
Good luck Bookworms!
(Hashim, Lily, Ahmad E, Anya, Soliyana, Daniel & Samra)
Tuesday, Week 2 - pages 1-26
Tuesday, Week 3 - pages 27-56
Tuesday, Week 4 - pages 57-89
Tuesday, Week 6 -pages 90-120
Tuesday, Week 7 - pages 121-150
Black Snake
(Ahmed S, Asra, Ayaan, Mouze, Kyan, Hayden & Yehya)
Tuesday, Week 2 - pages 1-28
Tuesday, Week 3 - pages 29-54
Tuesday, Week 4 - pages 55-76
Tuesday, Week 6 - pages 77-96
Tuesday, Week 7 - pages 97-129
The Land of Leevan
(Adam, Mehul, Noah, Elijah, Zak, Ahmed Y, Mikail)
Tuesday, Week 2 - pages 7-21
Tuesday, Week 3 - pages 22-33
Tuesday, Week 4 - pages 34-59
Tuesday, Week 6 - pages 60-71
Tuesday, Week 7 - pages 72-96